Do You Love To Clean?

I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I sometimes really hate cleaning, like, really hate it. I mean, there’s so many more better and fun things I could be doing instead. And to add salt to the wound, once you’ve finally cleaned up it’s just going to get dirty all over again. Cleaning is a rubbish never ending task but you know what’s worse than cleaning? Stressing out that your house is filthy! What is a woman to do?
Well one way I’ve found helps keeping the anxiety of a dirty house away is a cleaning schedule (it may sound silly but it works!) and no I don’t mean a massive list that you have to do all in one Saturday. I mean having a simple check list of to dos through the week. This means your not tied down and have a bit of freedom on your weekends which is what all of really want!
So cleaning to dos during the week? But you hate cleaning, why would you want to do it after work? Well.. All I tell myself is I just have to commit to 20 minutes of cleaning throughout the week and I can enjoy my Friday!
A successful weekly cleaning regime relies on two types of cleaning tasks: ones that you repeat every day as a matter of habit and ones that you do once a week.
Do these tasks every day to stay on top of messes. These should be considered daily habits (trust me it works…) Each should only take a few minutes anyway, and you more than likely already do a few of them:
- Wipe down wet bathroom counters.
- Wash dishes after each meal.
- Sweep or use a hoover to clean up any messes on the floors.
- Put things back where they belong after you’re done with them.
- Wipe down kitchen counters.
- Wipe the table after each meal.
- Unload the dishwasher (if you’re lucky enough to have one)
- Clear surfaces of clutter.
- Take out the rubbish.
- Squeegee the shower doors and walls after every shower.
Then Once a Week, Tackle These Areas
Spend 20 minutes a day on one or a combination of the following tasks:
- Wiping glass and mirrors throughout the house.
- Dusting.
- Mopping your hard floors.
- Cleaning out the fridge.
- Deep clean the bathroom, including toilet, shower etc..
- Add laundry as needed, keeping loads small as much as possible and following through until they’re folded neatly in your drawer.
If you need even more help organising a schedule, here’s an example of you.
- Monday: Dust and clean glass and mirrors throughout the house.
- Tuesday: Clean out the fridge and clean kitchen area.
- Wednesday: Deep clean the bathroom, including toilet, shower etc.
- Thursday: Wet mop hard floors throughout.
- Friday: RELAX.